The Blog

Objectify and Reshape Experiences May 30, 2024

Understanding your experiences objectively can reshape your reality. Here’s how to do it...

Our experiences shape how we see ourselves and the world. However, we often internalize these experiences, letting them define our identity. The second outcome of the Fundamental Shift is learning to...

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The Universal Solution to the Problem of "Self" Mar 03, 2021


I hope you enjoy this episode of The Rob Scott Show. Rob and Sarah discuss a variety of ways you can optimize your relationships.

Discover exactly what strategy will help you get along with others. The goal is to learn to build a shared narrative within the collective.

As simple as that...

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Discover a More Powerful Way to Relate Feb 24, 2021


In this episode of The Rob Scott Show, discover how to improve your ability to relate.

Relating is the "game of being human." Mastering it in a useful way might be counterintuitive.

It's not just about relating to other people. There's actually a meta level of relating you might not know...

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Why You Canโ€™t Trust Your Own Memory... Feb 17, 2021


This episode of The Rob Scott Show exposes why memory isn't what you think it is.

Memory is actually what creates our sense of self. Humans are made as a holistic system that ties memory, emotions, and behavior together.

If you want to change, you have to understand how memory impacts how...

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The Skill of Escaping Time Jan 27, 2021


This latest episode of the Rob Scott Show is all about time. Rob and Sarah discuss exactly how time can trap you in delusion.

Like chasing a moving horizon, we get stuck on the "treadmill of time." Many of our problems come from the belief that we're "not there yet."

If you can't ground...

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The Wisest Way to Navigate โ€œSelfโ€ Dec 14, 2020


This episode of The Rob Scott Show answers the question, “what is self?” Listen to it and discover the secret move you can do to navigate a better “self.”

If you can drop the idea you are a single “self,” you’ll see there are many different...

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The Problem With Self Protection Jan 11, 2007

Our self is more than partially defined by the assumptions and beliefs we hold about the world. Our emotions arise as that self rubs up against its edges. Emotions often tell us when our boundaries, or self, have been compromised. There is no doubt that we need to work on our understanding of...

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Turning Anger into Compassion May 07, 2006

Anger has its place. It is there to move us. It tells us things aren't right. But we don't want to get lost in anger. We need to be conscious of it.

Compassion means: Deep awareness of the suffering of another coupled with the wish to relieve it.

There are two phases to turning anger into...

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Nationalism and Levels of Identification Feb 26, 2006

Consciousness expands from being an infant through different identifications with social groups. The highest level on average is the national level. We identify with our family, our neighborhood, our state, our nation. Why not our world and beyond?

When survival of the team or family depends on...

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