Hear from past clients and experts about the power of Identity Shifting.


Hear from past clients and experts about the power of Identity Shifting.


Click Here to Schedule Your Free Breakthrough Call

Expert Opinions...


Dr. Gregg Henriques:
Professor of Graduate Psychology at James Madison University in the Combined-Integrated Doctoral Program in Clinical and School Psychology.

Marcia Gralha:
UTOK Coach and Curator of the UTOK Circle.

(Watch the full talk here.)

Rob is founder of the Fundamental Shift, which is an approach to living that I find profound. If we put it in “therapy-philosophy of living terms,” I can readily describe Rob’s approach as the best damn cognitive therapy vision I have ever seen, by far. - Dr. Gregg Henriques

Case Studies...


"It will change your life. It has changed my life in six weeks! If you can do this, this program will shift you to places you never even dreamed of!" - Dave H.


"I am so worthy. That's the powerfulness of this. You get to transform who you are... It's powerful!" - Julie B.


"Everything has changed! I feel good about myself. I really didn’t believe you could change your identity, but here I am!” - Kosal L.


“You can literally change any part of your life, if you choose to take action. It’s literally life changing.” - Paul R.

Want a free breakthrough call? 

Click to Schedule
“I would recommend it. It’s the best money I've ever spent. It’s a big deal. You’ll be different!” - Claire E.
“Everybody should go do this. This should be taught in schools for everyone to go through!” - Daniel B.

“If you want to make a change, this is the simplest, most straightforward, and fastest way to do that.” - Chris Y.


“It made me appreciate the entire process of life much better... It’s been extremely powerful.” - Chris J.

Learn more about the process... 

Discover Identity Shifting

“That session we did, has literally transformed who I am...By the way, this was months ago and I’m still that person!” - Lisa F.


“It’s the first psyche hacking that I’ve actually been able to do successfully... And you did it in six weeks!” - Aubin L.


“I highly recommend this program to anyone who is considering it. This truly can change your life.” - Jeff W.


“This is the antidote to pain or suffering. If you’re unhappy with anything, do this program.” - Darcy S.

Want to talk with Rob about how this could work for you? 

Schedule Your Free Session

“This has been, by far, the most profound coaching experience... And I’ve worked with a lot of coaches.” - Amber H.


“I’ve never heard anybody talking about any of these things, and they are absolutely life changing!” - John G.


“If you show up, you get the biggest results... If you go full out, it’s going to transform your life completely!” - Justin B.


“I would absolutely recommend this course. Having someone believe in you, is really fundamentally life altering.” - Alexandra C.

Questions or comments?

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