The Blog

The Rule of Perspective: Everyday Strategies for Building Resilience Jul 16, 2024

We've all experienced rough patches, missed promotions, personal setbacks, or days when nothing goes right. Consider two individuals facing a job loss: one feels crushed and struggles to move forward, while the other sees it as an opportunity to pivot into a new career. The difference lies in...

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The Secret to Mastering Free Will Jan 20, 2021


Our "story of self" is a concept that’s created within the construct of time. It can be useful, but when we get lost in it, the "self" starts to make us feel like there’s no freedom of choice or free will.

Do you feel like you desire change, but your behavior is out of your...

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How Memory Traps You in a Mental Model Jan 04, 2021


In this episode, Rob shares how much modeling plays a part in our construction of the world.

We're modeling all the time, and almost all modeling is happening unconsciously. Models are a 3 dimensional way to show how thoughts impact our reality.

Models come from "frozen" thoughts. It's...

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The Power of Shifting Your Lenses Dec 28, 2020


This episode of the Rob Scott Show is all about "lenses."

Our beliefs come from oversimplifying a meaning in a single moment. The more we attach to an assuredness of meaning, the more unconscious our beliefs can become.

Creating beliefs are a lot like lenses... built to alter what we see...

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The Secret to Stop Suffering Dec 21, 2020


The “being” part of life is actually just as important as the “doing.” The most important paradox to master if you want to optimize your “being,” is duality vs. non duality.

Duality is the judgement of “good” and “bad.” It lives...

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Gain the Ability to Adapt and Thrive Dec 18, 2020


In this episode of The Rob Scott Show, you get a deep dive on thinking, thought creation, and meaning making.

Learn why “thinking” is at the root of consciousness. Gain the skill to evolve your consciousness by mastering how you manage thought. If you can control when and what...

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