The Power of Shifting Your Lenses
Dec 28, 2020
This episode of the Rob Scott Show is all about "lenses."
Our beliefs come from oversimplifying a meaning in a single moment. The more we attach to an assuredness of meaning, the more unconscious our beliefs can become.
Creating beliefs are a lot like lenses... built to alter what we see and to made to be invisible.
An unbreakable attachment is actually an error. It can create a delusional reality.
We need to master meaning making, as it's essential to being human.
Creating a looser attachment to the meaning we make in a single moment gives a wiser perspective.
Remember, you can always leave the attachment and judgement of the meaning to be in the "is-ness" of the moment. This allows you to re-examine if your meaning is useful or needs to shift.
Other Topics Covered in this Episode:
- How modeling works
- Understanding unconscious thought process
- Predictions, assumptions, and imagination
- Why thoughts are foundational to life
- Managing mental health by mastering meaning
- Relevance realization and consciousness
- Belief defined
- Examining attachment to belief
- Expanding wisdom about truth
- How attachment is your "level of belief"
- Why beliefs are an oversimplification
- Judging good and bad
- Exploring the analogy of lenses
- The two functions of lenses
- Thinking is like lenses psychologically
- How to use a lens effectively
- Context and focus around lenses
- The energy of “now”
- Examining the evolutionary structure of thought
- Judgment on what is true or “right”
- Limiting beliefs about money
- Don’t be a victim to what you think “reality” is
- How to stop being reactionary
- The awareness that transforms society
- A powerful way to shit the collective
- How to leave attachment meaningfully
- The skill of seeing what’s invisible
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