The Blog

The Power of Perspective Shifts: How to Change Your Reality Jun 13, 2024

Perspective shapes our reality. How we interpret events, people, and circumstances significantly influences our outcomes. Shifting your perspective is a powerful tool for personal transformation. This blog explores the importance of perspective shifts, provides exercises to practice them, and...

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How to Improve Relationships (... and it's NOT what you think!) Feb 10, 2021


This episode of The Rob Scott Show explores "reality" as you know it to be. Rob and Sarah talk about why we're not actually relating to others in the same reality, like most of us think.

Everyone carries their own own "self-world model."

If we don't identify how we're making meaning, we...

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A Bit About Relationships Jun 03, 2007

This post is about being in relationships with others. It describes mistakes we make that end up leaving us hurt and confused. It also describes successful relationships and what we should strive for when we come together.

Often when we enjoy being with others what we're enjoying is the...

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Looking Through Other Peoples Eyes Mar 31, 2007

Many talks I've given have been about the perspective shift of being able to look through other people's eyes. And while this is a deeply important skill to develop to inform ourselves and to evolve, if not done from a place of health, it can lead to enabling co-dependent behavior.


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Learning to be Detached Mar 08, 2007

I was recently having a discussion with a good friend of mine. He mentioned that people who have had trauma and have learned to detach to protect themselves would make great Buddhists. They may have spent their lives not attaching to things because things or events had hurt them in the past. A...

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Do We Change The World Or Accept It Feb 26, 2007

Surrendering to the moment is a very important teaching. Learning to accept what is, is one of the fundamentals of growing spiritually. So if acceptance is fundamental to this teaching, then why do all these teachers want to change what is? Why are they unable or unwilling to accept the world in...

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Nested Duality Jan 27, 2007

What is nested duality? This talk begins to discuss the play of opposites. I talk about the importance of relating in new ways to good and bad. Ultimately this talk is trying to convey the error of nested duality which is when we make the non-dual experience something good.

As we look at good and...

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Getting to the Beauty Sep 25, 2006

This post is really an exercise looking at the split between internal/external, and thinking/experiencing. I discuss the words below and ask you to identify with each word as I do.

thinking experiencing
form feeling
outer inner
external internal
different similar
motion ...
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Expectation vs. Experience Jun 12, 2006

Important thought:  The gap between our experience and our expectation is our unhappiness.

Experience is what's happening to us.  Expectation is what we'd like to happen to us.  How many people do you know who live in a state of almost constant disappointment over their life...

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