The Blog

Understanding the Fear of Failure and the Treadmill of Time Jul 23, 2024

Do you ever feel paralyzed by the fear of failing, avoiding risks and new opportunities because you’re scared of the outcome? Or perhaps you feel like time is slipping away, and you’re running out of time to achieve your dreams? This fear, combined with the relentless "treadmill of...

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Breaking Free from Perfectionism: Embrace Imperfections and Thrive Jul 18, 2024

Understanding Perfectionism

Perfectionism is the relentless pursuit of flawlessness, often accompanied by self-critical thoughts and high expectations. While striving for excellence can be motivating, perfectionism can become a significant barrier to success and well-being. This internal struggle...

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Understanding Imposter Syndrome: The Hidden Barrier Jul 11, 2024

Imposter Syndrome is the persistent feeling of being a fraud, despite evident success and accomplishments. Individuals with this syndrome believe they don’t deserve their achievements and fear being exposed as unqualified. This internal struggle can manifest in various aspects of life,...

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Unlock Growth by Escaping the Perfection Trap Oct 30, 2023

Ever found yourself stuck in the pursuit of perfection? You're not the only one. The key to genuine growth is never about achieving flawless success. It's much more about embracing set backs and learning from your imperfections.

Let's challenge perfection and consider how it could be limiting us....

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Overcoming Procrastination and Perfectionism Mar 25, 2019


In this episode, Rob and Sarah discuss two big concepts: procrastination and perfectionism. You’ll learn how both of these originate, the different ways they overlap, and how to get past them.

We explore how procrastination may be trying to teach you something. Also, how your...

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