The Blog

Harness the Power of Thought: Transform Your Life with Mindfulness Jun 20, 2024

Discover how to harness the power of thought for personal transformation. Learn to differentiate thought from experience, understand their impact, and employ strategies to control and shift thought patterns for a fulfilling life.

Our thoughts shape our reality, influencing our feelings and...

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Metaconsciousness: Mastering Attention to Transform Your Identity Mar 10, 2024

Shifting Your Consciousness

In today’s world, brimming with distractions, mastering the art of directing your attention is crucial for achieving profound personal growth and living a life that truly resonates with your deepest values.

Understanding and managing where your attention...

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The “3G3 Gratitude Practice” Apr 10, 2013

The “3G3 Gratitude Practice”

Here is a 3 minute practice that can change your life forever…

There are many different ways, or “tracks” to foster more happiness.  One of the most effective ways to be happier is to manifest the state of gratitude.


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The “Count to Ten Meditation Technique” Mar 08, 2013

I wanted to give you just a quick little tip on how to work mindfulness. If you’re trying to learn meditation or do anything with working with your mind, one great little way to do it is to do what I call the “Count to 10 Technique.” Now, lots of people talk about this, but I...

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Do You Have A Practice Apr 29, 2007

This talk is meant to suggest the importance of a regular meditation practice. The pull of the world, and the normal distractions and natural egoic self builders don't remind us that we need to see that there is more than thought. There is experience. We can exist without our minds running all...

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Dive In or Drop It Dec 13, 2006

This post is inspired by the question: In meditation, do we dive into frustration when it arises or do we drop it? I use this question to do an overview of meditation, and then answer at the end.

Meditation is really about state management. We are trying to foster a better state of mind. To...

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The Next Evolution of Man Aug 29, 2006

Today I want to discuss evolution. There are many ways to think about evolving:

  • Individual evolution, societal evolution, human evolution
  • Evolutions like Homo Erectus to Homo Sapien, etc.
  • Agricultural age, to Industrial Age, to Information age
  • An individual growing through identification with...
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Bring It Back To The Breath Aug 22, 2006

 Today I spend a few moments fostering presence with you. I open with a couple of conscious breaths, then onto examples of, and reasons for, bringing your focus back to your breath. I end mentioning that in regard to any learning, we deeply need to apply what we learn. Learning alone isn't...

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How Committed Are You? May 22, 2006

Making any kind of change is very difficult when we aren't truly committed to it. So what is commitment and how do we find it?

I see people use meditation and become spiritual all the time to feel better when they are sad. But they often drop the practice once things get better. Finding...

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