3 Steps to Change Your Limiting Beliefs

Mastering Mindset Series

How do you feel about your life? Generally speaking, are you happy? I hope you truthfully answer yes, but it’s okay if you don’t. Sadly, most of my clients initially answer that  question with a big fat “NO!” The interesting thing is that most of my clients are actually really together.  They aren't falling victim to self sabotage. Check out this interesting conversation about how to defeat your limits. There's 3 big steps you can take to do this immediately!


2:15 - Sabotaging relationships and business moves
3:10 - Limit of success
3:30 - "I don't deserve it."
5:30 - Feeling like a fraud.
7:15 - Why is this all so important?
10:10 - Challenging our own "truths"
10:50 - The only time beliefs change...
11:25 - Searching for meaning
11:50 - What is your current mindset?
14:00 − 3 big steps to changing your limiting beliefs
15:50 - The shortcut to belief change.
21:30 - Byron Katie's process.
27:55 - Summary of changing limiting beliefs
34:00 - Negative projections