The Blog

Understanding the Identity Matrix: Insights from Psychology Today Jul 25, 2024

In a Psychology Today article, Dr. Gregg Henriques delves into the concept of the "identity matrix," drawing from my experiences and work to illustrate how our internal lenses shape our perceptions and experiences, often limiting our potential without us even realizing it.

Gregg and I have often...

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Part 2: Transforming Set Points, Lenses, and Patterns Jul 04, 2024

In the previous post, we explored the core elements of identity—set points, psychological lenses, and patterns of behavior—that shape your subjective experience and influence your ability to maintain self-control, discipline, and focus.

Now, let's delve into practical strategies for...

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From Zero-Sum to Synergy: Embracing a Holistic Success Mindset Jun 25, 2024

Take a moment to reflect on the days filled with either/or choices. It often feels like we're choosing between what we want to do and what we should do. For example, the early morning run vs. extra work, family gatherings vs. office deadlines.

These moments echo a zero-sum mindset, where gains in...

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Why Belief is More Important Than Ability May 28, 2024

Have you ever felt paralyzed in your tracks, unable to make progress on a project or goal? The barrier is often not a lack of knowledge or ability, but a deep-seated doubt about whether success is even possible for you. This psychological truth underpins a crucial concept in our approach to...

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The Power of Subconscious Repatterning Mar 25, 2024

Are you trapped within the confines of your "comfort zone," which is really just a cycle of familiarity dictated by your subconscious? This comfort is often a misnomer—it doesn't truly represent peace or fulfillment but rather a safe familiarity that hinders growth. Today, we delve into the...

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Metaconsciousness: Mastering Attention to Transform Your Identity Mar 10, 2024

Shifting Your Consciousness

In today’s world, brimming with distractions, mastering the art of directing your attention is crucial for achieving profound personal growth and living a life that truly resonates with your deepest values.

Understanding and managing where your attention...

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The Journey of Transformation: From Awareness to Action Feb 05, 2024

Embarking on a journey of personal transformation is about more than just desiring change, it's about making that change happen in your life. This transformation journey can be navigated successfully through Identity Shifting, which moves you from mere awareness of your current state to taking...

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Understanding How Your Brain Can Help You Change Jan 29, 2024

The Science Behind Identity Shifting

Are you looking to make lasting changes in your life but feel stuck in old patterns? The power to transform might already be within you—literally within your brain's very structure. Identity Shifting leverages groundbreaking insights from neuroscience,...

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Unlock Growth by Escaping the Perfection Trap Oct 30, 2023

Ever found yourself stuck in the pursuit of perfection? You're not the only one. The key to genuine growth is never about achieving flawless success. It's much more about embracing set backs and learning from your imperfections.

Let's challenge perfection and consider how it could be limiting us....

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