The Blog

Stillness in Motion: Embodying The Fundamental Shift and The Skill of Identity Shifting Mar 20, 2024

In the relentless pace of modern life, "Stillness in Motion" presents a revolutionary concept that integrates the depth of Identity Shifting with the transformative power of The Fundamental Shift. This approach doesn't merely balance being and doing. It merges them into a seamless...

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How Identity Shifting Can Redefine Success & Transform Your Life Mar 04, 2024

Success isn't solely about external achievements—it's about how these achievements align with your deeper values and contribute to your overall well-being.

By shifting your internal metrics from external accolades to internal fulfillment, you can transform not just your achievements but the...

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Rob's Story: Experiencing The Fundamental Shift Mar 01, 2024

As the creator of Identity Shifting, my journey is deeply rooted in understanding the intricate web of meaning and beliefs that shape our lives.

Like so many of us, I've faced formidable challenges: abuse, addiction, homelessness, and cancer (just to name some).

I'm lucky because my...

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Identity Shifting: How to Consciously Change Yourself Feb 15, 2024

What is Your Identity?

Your identity shapes every aspect of your existence, from the decisions you make to the relationships you nurture. It forms your "self-concept," a mix of your beliefs, memories, and expectations that guide your actions and color your perceptions of the world.


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Understanding How Your Brain Can Help You Change Jan 29, 2024

The Science Behind Identity Shifting

Are you looking to make lasting changes in your life but feel stuck in old patterns? The power to transform might already be within you—literally within your brain's very structure. Identity Shifting leverages groundbreaking insights from neuroscience,...

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The One Idea That Could Change Everythingā€¦ Mar 01, 2018

I want to write about the POWER of working with a COACH.

By the end of this post, you should have a clear understanding of how coaching can benefit you, why others say you need to work with a coach, and the one idea that could change everything for you...

But let's start with talking about YOU.

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You'll Never Have REAL Success Without This May 10, 2017

I have a couple quick questions for you...

Do you continuously chase one goal right after the next? Are you waiting for things to be good “some day?”

I’ve got a little secret for you. There is no “some day." There's no such thing.

It’s always NOW.

Imagine an...

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