The Blog

Understanding the Identity Matrix: Insights from Psychology Today Jul 25, 2024

In a Psychology Today article, Dr. Gregg Henriques delves into the concept of the "identity matrix," drawing from my experiences and work to illustrate how our internal lenses shape our perceptions and experiences, often limiting our potential without us even realizing it.

Gregg and I have often...

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Breaking Free from Perfectionism: Embrace Imperfections and Thrive Jul 18, 2024

Understanding Perfectionism

Perfectionism is the relentless pursuit of flawlessness, often accompanied by self-critical thoughts and high expectations. While striving for excellence can be motivating, perfectionism can become a significant barrier to success and well-being. This internal struggle...

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The Rule of Perspective: Everyday Strategies for Building Resilience Jul 16, 2024

We've all experienced rough patches, missed promotions, personal setbacks, or days when nothing goes right. Consider two individuals facing a job loss: one feels crushed and struggles to move forward, while the other sees it as an opportunity to pivot into a new career. The difference lies in...

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Rob's Story: Experiencing The Fundamental Shift Mar 01, 2024

As the creator of Identity Shifting, my journey is deeply rooted in understanding the intricate web of meaning and beliefs that shape our lives.

Like so many of us, I've faced formidable challenges: abuse, addiction, homelessness, and cancer (just to name some).

I'm lucky because my...

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Identity Shifting: How to Consciously Change Yourself Feb 15, 2024

What is Your Identity?

Your identity shapes every aspect of your existence, from the decisions you make to the relationships you nurture. It forms your "self-concept," a mix of your beliefs, memories, and expectations that guide your actions and color your perceptions of the world.


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Building Resilience and Overcoming Disaster Apr 08, 2019


Life can often pull the rug right out from under us. When that happens we can either handle it with strength and maturity, or spiral into a cycle of victimhood, overwhelm and self sabotage.

On this episode of The Rob Scott Show, Sarah and Rob talk about how to dodge life's unexpected...

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