The Blog

Understanding Imposter Syndrome: The Hidden Barrier Jul 11, 2024

Imposter Syndrome is the persistent feeling of being a fraud, despite evident success and accomplishments. Individuals with this syndrome believe they don’t deserve their achievements and fear being exposed as unqualified. This internal struggle can manifest in various aspects of life,...

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Beyond Willpower to Genuine Transformation Jun 04, 2024

In the quest for personal improvement, many of us have been conditioned to believe that willpower is the key to success. Whether it's sticking to a new diet, pursuing a career goal, or even developing a running habit, the common advice is to "just push through." However, real transformation might...

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The Art and Science of Goal Setting Feb 11, 2020


This is an important episode to check out if you’re looking to get things done. We explore the art and science of powerful goal setting. We also debunk some common goal setting mistakes.

The first crucial thing to understand is how goals and intentions are different. They are both...

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