The Blog

Understanding the Identity Matrix: Insights from Psychology Today Jul 25, 2024

In a Psychology Today article, Dr. Gregg Henriques delves into the concept of the "identity matrix," drawing from my experiences and work to illustrate how our internal lenses shape our perceptions and experiences, often limiting our potential without us even realizing it.

Gregg and I have often...

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Understanding the Fear of Failure and the Treadmill of Time Jul 23, 2024

Do you ever feel paralyzed by the fear of failing, avoiding risks and new opportunities because you’re scared of the outcome? Or perhaps you feel like time is slipping away, and you’re running out of time to achieve your dreams? This fear, combined with the relentless "treadmill of...

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Breaking Free from Perfectionism: Embrace Imperfections and Thrive Jul 18, 2024

Understanding Perfectionism

Perfectionism is the relentless pursuit of flawlessness, often accompanied by self-critical thoughts and high expectations. While striving for excellence can be motivating, perfectionism can become a significant barrier to success and well-being. This internal struggle...

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The Rule of Perspective: Everyday Strategies for Building Resilience Jul 16, 2024

We've all experienced rough patches, missed promotions, personal setbacks, or days when nothing goes right. Consider two individuals facing a job loss: one feels crushed and struggles to move forward, while the other sees it as an opportunity to pivot into a new career. The difference lies in...

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Understanding Imposter Syndrome: The Hidden Barrier Jul 11, 2024

Imposter Syndrome is the persistent feeling of being a fraud, despite evident success and accomplishments. Individuals with this syndrome believe they don’t deserve their achievements and fear being exposed as unqualified. This internal struggle can manifest in various aspects of life,...

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Breaking Free from Codependency: Reclaiming Your Identity and Self-Worth Jul 09, 2024

Codependency is often referred to as the "lost self," where individuals over-rely on external sources, such as relationships, substances, or processes, for their sense of identity and self-worth. Typically seen in relationships, codependency blurs personal boundaries and leads to unhealthy...

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Part 2: Transforming Set Points, Lenses, and Patterns Jul 04, 2024

In the previous post, we explored the core elements of identity—set points, psychological lenses, and patterns of behavior—that shape your subjective experience and influence your ability to maintain self-control, discipline, and focus.

Now, let's delve into practical strategies for...

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Part 1: Understanding the Core of Your Identity Jul 02, 2024

Your identity shapes every part of your life, from your decisions to your relationships. It forms your "self-concept," a mix of beliefs, memories, and expectations that guide your actions and color your view of the world.

Understanding and addressing meaningful change requires examining three...

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Transform Your Life by Changing Your Beliefs: A Deeper Dive Jun 27, 2024

Understanding the Role of Beliefs in Our Lives

Beliefs are fundamental to our existence. They shape our perceptions, drive our behaviors, and influence our emotions. Everyone has a set of core beliefs that act as lenses through which they view the world. These beliefs are formed by our...

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