The Blog

Why Belief is More Important Than Ability May 28, 2024

Have you ever felt paralyzed in your tracks, unable to make progress on a project or goal? The barrier is often not a lack of knowledge or ability, but a deep-seated doubt about whether success is even possible for you. This psychological truth underpins a crucial concept in our approach to...

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The Power to Detach from Limiting Beliefs May 23, 2024

In the last post, you learned the major outcomes of The Fundamental Shift. Over the new few weeks we'll do a deep dive into each one. For this post, we'll focus on, the power of detaching from your limiting beliefs.

Your beliefs shape your reality, but not all of them serve your highest...

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How to Eliminate Core Limits using The Power of Shifting Set Points Feb 26, 2024

Core limiting beliefs are often the hidden barriers that cap our potential and restrict our ability to achieve true success and happiness. These beliefs are deeply embedded within our psychological structure, dictating the bounds of what we perceive as possible.

This post delves deeper into...

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Mastering Mindset Series - How to Change Without Using Willpower Mar 10, 2014

In this Mastering Mindset video, Jeff and I talk about a radically different way to develop powerful habits and behaviors.

Breaking bad habits is often incredibly difficult, but that's usually because most people never take the crucial first step to starting a new behavior. In order to guarantee...

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Mastering Mindset Series - The 3 Step Process to Effectively Stop Negative Thinking Feb 23, 2014

STOP Negative Thinking!

In this talk, I finally got to tackle a topic that just may be the single most important factor to living a successful and happy life.

Any time I take on a new client, I immediately assess their "level of negativity."


Because it's impossible to be happy when your...

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Mastering Mindset Series - 3 Steps to Change Your Limiting Beliefs Feb 11, 2014

How do you feel about your life? Generally speaking, are you happy?

I hope you truthfully answer yes, but it's okay if you don't.

Sadly, most of my clients initially answer that  question with a big fat "NO!"

The interesting thing is that most of my clients are actually really together....

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Mastering Mindset Series - The Power of the Subconscious Dec 23, 2013

In this part of the Mastering Mindset Series we uncover the secret of the subconscious mind. And expose how it is WAY more powerful than you probably thought.

Without understanding how much it's running (and ruling) in our lives, we will always feel stuck. Here I show how to alter it so it can...

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Mastering Mindset Series - Where Your Limits Come From Dec 16, 2013

Have you ever wondered why some people actually achieve their dreams while others just talk about them?

Watch this video to learn where limiting beliefs come from, and how to change them to guarantee your success.

And get in the conversation.  What limits do you see in your life?  Any...

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