How to Create a Powerful Vision
Apr 22, 2019
This episode of the Rob Scott Show will help you master the skill of visioning. You’ll discover why managing your expectations is crucial for avoiding disappointments.
Plus, how to overcome the feeling of “not enough” by simply creating powerful intentions and showing up for the outcomes.
If you want more clarity, and you want to be more of a leader in your life, you should listen to this episode.
Other Topics Covered in this Episode:
- Learning How to Create a Powerful Vision
- Distinguishing Between Expectation and Attachment
- How To Manage Expectations
- Defining Enlightenment
- The Power and Cost of Expectation
- Why Imagination is So Important
- The Paradox of Being and Doing
- Learning the Skill of Appreciation
- Examining the “Not Enough” Muscle
- Building Your Tangible Vision
- How to Create Massive Impact and Change
- Leading Others With Your Powerful Vision
- How Visioning Can Improve Communication
- Understanding What “Detached Goals” Are
- How Intentions are Different Than Goals
- Where Our Meaning Making Comes From
- How Mastering Your Meaning Making Helps Others
To download other full episodes of The Rob Scott Show on iTunes, head here. To subscribe on YouTube click here.
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