Building Resilience and Overcoming Disaster
Apr 08, 2019
Life can often pull the rug right out from under us. When that happens we can either handle it with strength and maturity, or spiral into a cycle of victimhood, overwhelm and self sabotage.
On this episode of The Rob Scott Show, Sarah and Rob talk about how to dodge life's unexpected curveballs. They discuss how to manage stressful events that happen to all of us. Also, they teach tips and share examples of how to be resilient in the face of whatever comes your way.
Rob teaches the three useful dimensions of self and shares why "you" are a holistic system. You’ll discover what areas you need to master to shift your identity. Then hear the big secret to creating profound change and transforming your life.
Other Topics Covered in this Episode:
- Dealing with Unexpected Life Events
- What Resilience Looks Like
- How to Maturely Handle The Tough Stuff
- Tangible Ways Stress Can Hold Us Back
- Realigning Your Values
- Why a Secure Sense of Self is Important
- The Cycle of Self Sabotage
- Three Useful Dimensions of Self
- Defining What “Identity” Is
- The Self as a Holistic System
- How Thought/Emotions/Behavior Interact
- Why Mindset is Homebase
- Creating Profound Change in Your Sense of Self
- How to Gain Emotional Resilience
- The Secret to Transformation and Permanent Change
- Ways to Love Yourself Through Trauma
- Learning to Become More Mature
- What an “Identity Shift” Is
- Defeating Your Victim Mentality
- Why Self Love is Important
- How to Avoid Suffering
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