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Is Your Reality Trustable?

Sep 10, 2018


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In this episode, Rob explains the biggest fundamental error in the human condition. Rob and Sarah delve into the topic of truth. We discuss if there are trustable truths, or if your reality is actually a delusion. We talk about how this universal mental error might cause you to be living in fear. Then we explain why humans actually have limited access to truth. Because of biases, our own senses, and a general information overload. Plus we talk about the difference between subjective and objective truth, and how to live in the “we space.”

Then Rob shares some of the consequences you might be up against if you don’t challenge truths in your life. He teaches a few different ways you can get better at growing a healthy skepticism. Rob and Sarah then agree that it’s more true to question truth then to just believe it. And talk about how you can apply this to your life.

This episode will help you learn how to find truth, and recognize biases and opinions. We encourage you to shift your perceptions so that you can find more connection, and more wisdom. We want for you the freedom to experience life without being afraid and overwhelmed.

Episode Topics

  • Why Your Reality Could be A Lie
  • The Consequences of Not Questioning Truth
  • Subjective Vs Objective Truth
  • How Our Access to Truth Can Be Limited
  • Widening Your Perspective on Yourself and Others
  • The Skill of Questioning Truth
  • Navigating Truth Can Deeply Change Your Experiences
  • Learning Real Wisdom



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