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Identity Politics

Nov 19, 2018


Do you lack clarity and the capability to navigate your own values? Or how to share them in a healthy, peaceful way with others?

This episode of the Rob Scott Show examines the topic of Identity Politics. It’s showing up faster and more aggressively in our world more than ever before.

We need to understand what identity politics is and why it’s needed. But also what to do when it becomes toxic. If we can be more aware of when this is happening, it’s going to be massively helpful for us.

Having this skill will help us govern ourselves better politically. It allows us to grow in our wisdom, and avoid conflict. There are ways to connect with other people, even if we don’t agree with them or come from the same origins.

Our focus should be on finding a sharing humanity. Not dividing ourselves based off characteristics we can’t control. It’s not useful to judge others based on their skin color, gender, sexual orientation, etc…

Finding zones of agreement will give us the ability to empathize. Understand that we are part of a bigger, shared space here on planet earth.

In this episode we also discuss:

    • Understanding what Identity Politics is.
    • Why it’s important to understand other groups.
    • How Zones of Agreement can be useful.
    • The history of Identity Politics.
    • The search for shared humanity.
    • About tribalism and “us” versus “them.”
    • Why are Identity Politics happening?
    • Defining virtue signaling.
    • Understanding groupthink phenomenon.
    • Becoming more aware of our values.
    • What’s required for virtuous leadership.
    • Valid and invalid arguments.
    • Ways to stay out of conflict.
    • How awareness can decrease divisiveness.

To download other full episodes of The Rob Scott Show on iTunes, head here. To subscribe on YouTube click here.



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