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Mastering Mindset Series - What Really Motivates Us?

Jan 03, 2014

In this Mastering Mindset hangout, Rob and Jeff discuss how much we're actually trying to get to "the familiar," and not just trying to feel more pleasure (which is what everyone usually thinks is our core motivator).

This concept is new, and completely crucial to understand why you do things you really don't want to do. It's also going to help incredibly with changing stubborn behaviors, and forming new powerful success habits.

Check it out... pain, pleasure, and the familiar. Boom.

Quick Notes:

1:55 - Pain and Pleasure - What we THINK we're doing.
2:30 - The subconscious mind and survival.
3:00 - Pain vs. Familiarity
3:40 - How much are you "putting up with" in your own life?
4:07 - Our subconscious mind prefers the familiar.
5:00 - Training the subconscious mind.
5:45 - Familiarity and addictions.
6:15 - What is addiction?
7:50 - Managing your habits.
8:50 - How do you normalize?
10:20 - Shifting your identity.
11:10 - Why is it so hard to habituate new stuff into your life?
16:25 - Safety and growth together.
17:50 - Desire to change and grow is conscious and important.



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