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Mastering Perspectives

Jan 18, 2007

This post is about mastering perspectives. It assumes that someone capable of seeing more perspectives is better informed, and more able to act appropriately, happily, and well.

There are many perspectives to any situation. Every moment there is your point of view, someone else's point of view, and third person perspective as well. There are also historical perspectives, we perspectives, singular and plural perspectives, inner and outer perspectives, emotional perspectives, and even imagined perspectives. To simplify, there are many ways to look at things.

So the practice then becomes to relate as fully as possible to the moment by being aware of as many perspectives as possible. Learn all the different perspectives, and work to integrate them into your life. It may sound like a lot of work to do this, but it becomes very natural. Also, in the beginning, it may be useful to apply this only when in conflict. It's a great tool to use when you've hit a wall.

I suggest learning about Integral Theory for a deeper understanding of perspectives. I should also mentioned that  "Do unto others as you'd have them do unto you" is really just an ancient perspective teaching. We're not all aware that there are many perspectives, and we certainly don't often act from more than our own point of view. Learning about and applying perspectives can help us grow.




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