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The 4 Stages of Consciousness

Jan 04, 2017

Your mind basically runs everything.

Our minds are what drive how we feel about things.  They control how we make meaning.  They either allow us to focus or not.  And oddly, we don't get an instruction manual on how to run these minds of ours.

So what do we do?

We need to learn a single distinction, and then understand how that breaks into "levels of consciousness."

See, many people have a core problem of not being able to distinguish between being aware of their thinking and not being aware of their thinking.  Being unaware means we don't control our mind which often leads to feeling out of control, reactive and lost.

So the main distinction is this:  Can you tell when you're thinking and when you're not?

It's really that simple.  But let's break it down even further. If you watch the video above you'll be able to see where you fit in the four different "Levels of Consciousness." Let me list them for you here:

  • Level 1:  Not realizing you are thinking.  Unable to mediate.  Completely unaware.  Thought runs you.
  • Level 2:  You can tell you are thinking, but don't have any idea what to do about it.  Thought is still the driving force. You're more aware, but not at all in control.

(The important shift happens here - you discover the difference between thought and experience.)

  • Level 3:  You can tell the difference between thought and experience. You have the ability to stop thought, and you have some practice with the mind.
  • Level 4:  You gain mastery over thought and form a different relationship with your experience across your entire life. You now use thought as an incredibly powerful tool.  You enjoy happiness, peace, confidence, focus and presence on a daily basis.

Now, learning to be aware of your thoughts may not seem like a big deal.  But I can tell you, it's the biggest deal you get to experience.  Being "lost in thought" may as well be the definition of suffering.

So I want to share a way that you can work on this for about a week, and gain a huge breakthrough in this area.  A breakthrough that will change the rest of your life.

I put together a completely FREE 7 day "Back to Breath" challenge for you.  

Each day you will get interesting and counterintuitive ways to "wake up" from the traps of your mind. It’s going to be simple to do and packed with daily tips for what to try. You’ll even get a visualization or two, and get to join our community of people who are all waking up.

If you're interested in taking on the challenge, send us an email and we'll help you get signed up.

Whether you're experienced meditator, or you just want to check out the simplest way to "move up a level or two," you'll get a lot out of doing this.

Imagine a world where you are NOT lost in thought.  Imagine really waking up.

Hope to hear from you.

Rob  :)



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